There was an immediate connect between the two of them.. Communication is as stimulating as black coffee; and its just as hard to sleep after.. that is the perfect description of the experience the two of them had for the following two weeks... she could speak to him like she could to no other.. and of course the feeling was mutual... there was no dependency derivative of the way their emotions were characterised for each other...
and she wondered was it a mere coincidence that she met him?? or was it a celestial conspiracy?? or was it just one of Cupid's cruel pranks...
Christmas had gone past and the Church was back to being her haven.. but was it hers alone??? as she sat reading the last few pages of her book.. (the ones where the drama resonates and the "happy ending".. Steve quietly came by and sat beside her.. "oops i dint realise when you came" she said with a smile.. "not a long while ago.. dint want to intrude into the satisfaction of the story culminating into a happy ending" and she thought "never could you intrude"...
he waited for her to finish the book... and then he said "i want to ask you something"..
"well go on"
"have you heard the parable of the beautiful heart?" he asked..
the blankness on her face told him she hadn't.... so began telling her the story.. he couldn't have gotten more cliched she thought.. because he began "once upon a time".. it brought a smile to her face nonetheless... :)
he told her about a young man who boasted of having the most beautiful heart in the world.. it was flawless... and everyone admired it.. but then an old man walked up to him and said that he had a more beautiful heart.. the young man asked him if he was joking because his heart was full of scars and tears... and the old man explained that every scar represents the person to whom he had given his love.. and sometimes the person hasn't returned the love which is represented by the empty gouges.. which remind him of the love he has for those people.. and that is true beauty..
tears swelled up in her eyes.. and he looked to her and said.. "you have the most beautiful heart in the world.. your love is unfathomable..." he paused... took her hand and said "give me a chance.. give me a chance to love you... love you so much so as to fill all the empty gouges"....
With tears of joy she said "I do.."