Sunday, May 17, 2009

Choose wisely..

"Its not abilities but our choices that truly define who we are " - Albus Dumbledore

when i was just thinking what is the good that i learn from the post today, i heard Albus Dumbledore.. and it was like lightening struck.. (the Eureka types). what is life all about, the big decisions that i make?? well yes ofcourse, but more so the little little choices i make everyday. and then i thought do i always have a choice? because most of the time i feel i am compelled to do things, but now when i look back, i've always had choices when i felt i dint its just that i dint like the ones available.

Sometimes it may seem insignificant what we choose, but every minor decision of ours has an impact on our lives.

So what is important is to make a choice. Choose wisely and stick by it; nobody says it'll be easy but you will definitely get there!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

In the journey of life

"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." - Mark Twain

What does it really mean??

well atleast to me, it says,

in the journey of life...
do what you're supposed to do

do what you want to do
do it the way you're supposed to..

don't bother about the outcome or outspoken
because you know you've the right the best you could.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Its not just roasted beans...

For me "A switch is a switch" and "tea is tea" but is coffee only coffee?? uh uh.. no way.. ok i know coffee has been a part of quite a few blogs.. but what to do.. i just love coffee... A cup of well brewed coffee..
it really does not matter whether its the Godfather of Italian coffee in the form of an expresso or the prince in the Latte.. though the mention of cappuccino will have my face a lit up (a little extra sweet cappuccino i might add).. and its not just the Italian coffee that catches my fancy.. Because for me the Indian filter coffee is just a little better..

Coffee has become an obsession, addiction and joy of life.. but then there are a few people who've taken the title "coffee and cigarettes" too literally and think the combination is just perfect.. I guess they've only heard the title because one of the characters (pardon my poor memory because dont remember the name) repeats a million times atleast that coffee and cigarettes dont make for a very healthy combination...

For me its no Expresso vs Latte or cappuccino vs filter coffee.. cos i love them all the same.. the only one i like better is a mug of hot frothy coffee made by lowe especially for me... and Cafe Coffee Day's tag line is right in saying "lot can happen over a coffee" so let a lot happen. let it stimulate and rejuvenate you..

Monday, May 11, 2009

Pass it on..

Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on;
T' was not give for thee alone, Pass it on.
Let it travel down the years,
Let it wipe another's tears,
till in heaven the deed appears; Pass it on."

Rev. Henry Burton wrote this hymn when he heard his brother in law narrate an act of kindness shown to him and how he was asked to pass on the kindness..

This has been my favorite hymn since the day I've learnt it... more than the song its what the song has taught me.. It taught me that the best moments of life are the little unremembered acts of kindness and love..

There are 3 principles of kindness... ( I dint formulate them but try to emulate them)
  1. kindness seeks opportunities to express itself
  2. Kindness is shown for the sake of someone else
  3. Kindness is not slow in taking the initiative to meet a need
"T' was a sunshine of a smile, Pass it on;
Staying but a little while, Pass it on;
April beam the little thing,
Still it wakes the flowers of Spring,
Makes the silent bird to sing, Pass it on."

Its little acts of kindness that we need to show, so don't wait for something big, Love demands the loving deed, Pass it on.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A KKR match may be a dull and boring one to many.. With most rightly predicting what the outcome of the game will be.. but with every KKR game comes the magnificent display of the literary skills of an anonymous blogger who has created a stir in the blogging community.

Fake IPL Player or Poison pen as the KKr team call him has been posting quite a lot of masala.. which a few claim is a well-structured literary piece of all the gossip available in the media while a few others are of the opinion that it is far too easy to make fun a team that is known more for its celebrity owner than its cricketers or cricketing skills and is currently so dysfunctional that an insider is actually blogging "Confidential matters". Our dear friend has been chiefly aiming for his kkr team mates but hasn't spared the rest of them by any means.

Every one has been in pursuit of this Fake IPL Player, the fakester who has become bigger than the tournament itself, and if you thought he wasnt enough there is an ingenious follower of his who has created a dictionary for all the nicks he uses,

Love him or hate him but you cant ignore him.. whether cricketer (which seems a little far fetched considering his eloquent language) or entertainer.. I'm thankful to him for a providing a nice little laugh early in the morning...