Monday, May 11, 2009

Pass it on..

Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on;
T' was not give for thee alone, Pass it on.
Let it travel down the years,
Let it wipe another's tears,
till in heaven the deed appears; Pass it on."

Rev. Henry Burton wrote this hymn when he heard his brother in law narrate an act of kindness shown to him and how he was asked to pass on the kindness..

This has been my favorite hymn since the day I've learnt it... more than the song its what the song has taught me.. It taught me that the best moments of life are the little unremembered acts of kindness and love..

There are 3 principles of kindness... ( I dint formulate them but try to emulate them)
  1. kindness seeks opportunities to express itself
  2. Kindness is shown for the sake of someone else
  3. Kindness is not slow in taking the initiative to meet a need
"T' was a sunshine of a smile, Pass it on;
Staying but a little while, Pass it on;
April beam the little thing,
Still it wakes the flowers of Spring,
Makes the silent bird to sing, Pass it on."

Its little acts of kindness that we need to show, so don't wait for something big, Love demands the loving deed, Pass it on.