there was a very interesting article in today's paper titled "Men gossip more than women" disappointingly i was late as usual and dint have time to read the entire article (my priority was the zodiac forecast column). anyways coming back to the topic. "Gossip" is an activity that has been associated with women for time immemorial, the tell-tale habit and the humour of saying that a woman would suffer from indigestion if she dint pass on the news she had. Well yes, women do gossip, they do pass on little tittle-tattle, but all of it is to build a stronger bond or break the ice with friends and colleagues.
Men would never admit that they gossip(i call it the male ego). and not only gossip, they gossip on mostly similar topics as women but i think there is a small difference. For women it is a chatty talk they indulge in, for men it is a sort of morale or confidence boost.
and to top it all they'd call it "Networking"
The little bit that i picked from the article today was that while an average female spends 56 minutes a day on gossip mongering, males indulge in it for 72 minutes but they tend to talk more about themselves.
the most important point of difference between men and women gossiping however boils down to 2 factors for me a highly animated tone with plenty of detail and an even more animated and enthusiastic response :P
Men might gossip more but women are more skilled at it :P
Onwards and Upwards in 2015
10 years ago
984hahahahahahahahaha... wht a blog.. u jus showed ur female ego..wht Women gossip is more skilled eh??? hahahah.. dont agree man u GOonk......
i protest!!!ill never agree.....
thankfully u dint throw ur shoe in protest :P
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