Luck by chance is a contemporary tale , where the plot revolves around how an outsider tries to find his feet in the world of Hindi cinema. Ironical then that a star kid has sought to make such a movie.
Few scenes being the cliche slapstick comedy, few others are cynical enough to make you smile; but there are few in the movie which try to escape the realities of the real world. And you definitely cant resisting laughing hard at them especially when you've experienced a few them yourself.
And going for the movie itself was by chance and lucky. Watching the movie was not really only watching the movie experience for me this time. It was the brother and three dwarfs at the theater, where the three dwarfs totally freaked at everything they could relate in the movie to themselves (considering their self-obsession it was on most occasions.) there more than a few comments flying, whether it was on Isha Sharwani and Juhi Chawla being complete "Fashion Disasters" or tacky lines we'd heard in real life ourselves.
There is no way i can miss making a mention of this; Vikram Jaisingh the promising and good looking want-to-be an actor aspirant knows what he wants and how to manipulate the situation to get it. He works his charm with surmounting success on the yesteryear star Neena. But what was not surprising that she falls for that charm. "Girls will after all be Girls" (thats what i heard) :P
The movie showcases a slice of life in bollywood, it being a mix of opportunities and destiny. the brother had an opportunity to sit in the luxury of his house and watch the "onslaught" of the Indian batsmen, it was his destiny that he was stuck at the theater with the three dwarfs only to witness them laugh their heads off and listen to them comment on the events happening on and off the screen.
Onwards and Upwards in 2015
10 years ago
"...........stuck at the theatre with the three dwarfs only to witness them laugh their heads off and listen to them comment on the events happening on and off the screen." lol ya ya , i pity the two souls who sat in front of us...... in case anyone reading this wants to know more, i shall elucidate......a guy and a girl walk in just when the title tracks are on and settle down in the row in front of us.The guy puts his arm around his chic when the ever courteous, well-bred owner of this blog bursts out laughing hysterically, n the tiny tots follow. Everyone around wonders why anyone would act this way when the title slides are on, but that poor dude with the chic realises and as a reflex pulls his hand off(poor chap, my apologies on behalf of my sis :) ) anyways the couple is now alerted , they look at each other and a message is tacit-(they speak through their eyes)-"NO MORE OVERT SHOWS OF AFFECTION"
SO the film rolls on , there was just no acceleration through the film. Ppl wer murmuring , a moron refused to switch off his phone or answer his call, just to show off his ringtone I guess.
Now getting back to the couple,.... i must say now that there are certain advantages of being 6 ft n 2inches, it lets you peep into wats happening in the front row without having to actually peep. SO the couple had now slid cosily down the seat, just to make sure they wer out of my sisters' visual radar. Their hands were locked and they were having a private conversation( i didnt bother to listen to it, cos it tot, "who cares").
The film got over and the couple just casually walked out without holding hands, which left me thinking, if only we had sealed our mouths and if only my sis had been able to control her laughter, we would have enjoyed at least one film. As for the film on screen , chotu said it the best,-"It was flat and had no substance"......
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